Sock Stories


socks, thread, paint, wood

7.5in x 6in x 3.75in

The pages of the book were collected and worn socks, each one has a sewn story or conversation. The cover of the book is a pre-made dresser that was sanded and painted.

Sock Stories is one of my less serious ideas that snowballed into a serious idea. This book started as a joke from a sitcom called Seinfeld. In one of the episodes of the series the main character, Jerry Seinfeld, complains about having too many missing pairs of socks. He exaggerates and says that the socks probably try to escape from the washing machine when he’s not around. After thinking about that statement I wondered if socks did have lives, what would they say? I wrote some stories and poems about what I thought lost, escaping and aging socks would have to say. The socks that I collected where used by my family, friends and myself. Based on the size, color and deterioration I chose stories that seemed to fit the socks. Some socks were pairs that seemed to hate each other while others wanted to find their way back home.
Right Sock : Dear Sock Colony, 
                    You all stink. I have decided to run away. It was too cramped in that dresser for my idea. Please tell Left Sock not to follow me. 
                      - Right Sock
Left Sock : I left to go find Right Sock. Don't follow me.
                  - Left Sock
Note to self and all others
BEWARE of dirty vampire teens
They will leave you ost in their rooms for months
Oh Left Sock where art thou I miss thee
I came out of the dryer only to find that you where not in the hamper with me
How did I end up here?
Black was all that I saw
From day in to day out
Slowly replacing all sense of time
Right Sock: Left Sock just doesn't get it. Its not my faught for always being on the foot that moves first. In fact its tough work. 
                   He just doesn't get how easy he has it.
Left Sock: I have to leave him. Right Sock is so annoying. All he does is boss me around. Just cuz he's the dominate one.  
Help! I'm stuck behind the couch
Black, so dark
So much 
Too much
No light
Just dampness
And the endless legs of centipedes
Once I manage to get away
I was replaced by tube socks
No body knows the trouble I've gone through
No body knows a sock's sorrosws
Sock Stories

Sock Stories

This is a book based on the idea of what lost socks or socks in general would feel when if they were alone.
